Monday, November 29, 2010

According to Steve Casimiro's article titled Yes, It's Getting Hotter. 2010 Is Warmest Year on Record, the month of June, and the consecutive months of April, May and June were the hottest ever recorded; making 2010 the hottest year on record. In my opinion this information should not be taken too seriously due to the little data that is available. Casimiro states in his article that data collected from several providences in China show they have,"had their warmest June since national records began in 1951." In roughly 60 years they have had their warmest year. What were they expecting to see in such a short amount of time? Of course at some point they were going to see a record high or even a record low. I do not think this means that the earth as a whole is becoming warmer. One of the characteristics of the earth's climate is that it will never remain the same. We will never have a consistent wether system. It is constantly changing. It is normal for the earth to have warmer and cooler years. But no worries. The concern for the earth's warming may soon be stopped with the help of a nuclear winter from the threatening North Korea as it tries to prompt South Korea to retaliate.