Wednesday, December 15, 2010

According to a story titled Tourist Temptation: Anthrax Island by CBS News, since terrorists have started using Anthrax as a weapon in letters, tourists and journalists have begun taking an interest in Gruinard Island in Scotland since 2001. The reason for the interest is that during World War II Britain started testing anthrax on animals on this small little island. Gruinard Island, which is only about 520 acres, was a prime site for testing some of the first anthrax weapons. The animals, particularly sheep, would be grazing on this small little island when suddenly their lunch would be disturbed when suddenly an anthrax bomb would be dropped on them. Once the island was completely wiped out of life the British military dropped 280 tons of formaldehyde over it and called it good as new, hoping that any anthrax on the island would be killed. Now I am not too sure what the tourists and journalists are looking for on this island 70 years later. There is some small life on this island but not much.

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