Friday, December 17, 2010 cited the national Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration saying that they have recently discovered what they call "submarine volcanoes." These volcanoes lay beneath the sea floor and warm the ocean water around it. This warmth provides life to various exotic deep sea marine life. The volcano scientists focused on was a volcano 12,000 feet beneath the earths surface. This location is a 2.3 million square mile area containing 65% of the worlds corral species. Scientists have determined that there are 40% new corral species and 50% new fish species around the volcano. I believe this shows how positively plate tectonics can effect marine life in the ocean. Although if the volcano was ever to sleep then much of this corral and fish will die. These sites are prime locations for scientists to find new and exotic species of the ocean. I wonder if it is possible for volcanoes to have the same effect on land.

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