Wednesday, December 15, 2010

In an article on by author Steph titled 12 Fantastic Floating Cities and Artificial Islands, Steph describes some of the most mesmerizing floating cities. Included in these amazing cities is Aberdeen Harbor, a city like cluster of boats off the coast of Hong Kong. Oily Rocks is a man made island city off the coast of Azerbaijan that is made up of overturned boats that serve has the ground. Years ago, this was once a small community with homes and a school that served the oil industry. No Mans Land Fort is a small Victorian style fort off the coast of Britain that was use to defend Britain from the French Navy. This fort, which is now a hotel, has an indoor pool, 21 rooms and a couple helipads. I would love to stay in forts like these. It would be nice to look out and see the ocean all around. But I think at some point it would get old, and going back to society wouldn’t be half bad.

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